Let's try this.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The backyard homestead and roasted veggies.

I now have so much stuff planted on my concrete back patio that I seriously can't tell you everything that's back there right now...I can try though...let's see: Zucchini, cantaloupe, green pumpkins, and orange pumpkins that I snuck into some dirt in a common area. TONS of herbs, carrots, cabbage, onions, watermelon radishes, Thai chilis, Pasilla peppers, romaine, and TOMATOES, of course. Here's a peek at my window sill with Farmer John hard at work!
I'm going to share with you an EXTREMELY versatile dish that you can make on the weekend and eat all week.  It's a delicious timesaver...Asparagus, sweet potatoes, and celery root. Super easy...check it out:
1. Make at least 3 veggies into bite sized pieces.
2. Pour a couple of tablespoons of coconut oil, bacon fat, or ghee on top, sprinkle with salt, pepper, and herbs of choice.
3. Roast for 15 minutes on 425.
4. Remove from the oven and stir.
5. Roast another 15 minutes.
For the rest of the week you can eat these as follows:
1. With an egg or two on top.
2. Side dish with dinner.
3. Put into a food processor with cream cheese (if you do dairy) for a super tasty spread.
4. Puree with broth for soup.
5. Add meat/fish/poultry, mix it up for a main dish.
6. YOU be the chef and come up with something. :D